Climate: in France, the Poitevin marshes threatened by 2100


Article written by

K. Gaignoux, A.Darrigrand, A.Guedes – France 3

France Televisions

Several scientists predict a rise in the level of the ocean in the Marais Poitevin territory within several decades, due to the melting of the ice caused by global warming.

Several farmers in the region could see their farms disappear. According to scientists’ forecasts, the territory would experience a rise in the level of the oceans. “The rising sea, that’s something you can’t even imagine. We will be forced to enter into an exodus “, testifies Nicolas Gelot, an organic breeder in the area.

However, Dominica Giret, the director of biodiversity at Swamp born take scientists’ predictions at face value, because according to him, the Marsh is already found below sea level during certain times of the year. However, the risk of water drainage remains. “If the sea rises, the low tides will be less low, and it will be more complicated to evacuate the water”, explains Dominique Giret, which foresees difficulties in balancing water management in certain decades.

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