Renowned for her rants and outspokenness, Clémentine Célarié did not intend to remain silent for long on her fight against cancer. The star, now 64, waited to have conquered the disease to deliver his story to the general public. But, in his entourage, we tried to dissuade him, for fear that his career would end abruptly.
Asked by Dominique Tenza on RTL on November 4, the journalist returns to this warning that was given to him. “This truth, some advise you to hide it, not to speak about it. ‘The producers won’t want to hire you anymore’, that’s what you mean. It says a lot anyway“, he points out to him. And Clémentine Célarié to react:”Yes, that says a lot. It’s like that anyway, so you have to deal with it. But precisely, what I did not want was to say it too soon because I am on tour at the moment all over France [avec la pièce Une vie, NDLR] and I have a fantastic experience (…) I wanted to tell this in a book and I didn’t want people on tour to be afraid.“
A trick that proves to show business that she could continue her profession despite her fight against her colon cancer since her partners have known nothing until now; Clémentine Célarié had notably opted for wigs during media appearances, especially on TV where we had seen her new look. “It was horrible to lie“, she admits, assuming not to have said anything until she had not finished the work in which she considers to have written”something deep“on the disease and its sometimes harsh and sometimes funny behind the scenes.”I told my bank and told them they had no interest in ditching me!“, she says in particular, she who has often been in trouble.
In her “lie”, she was helped by two nudges from fate which allowed her not to get on the boards while she was doing chemo: the Yellow Vests then the Covid! Clémentine Célarié regrets having lied to her audience for many months and wants to make her book a kind of mea culpa in which she asks for understanding and indulgence but certainly not for pity.