Clementine Célarié as a couple? The actress takes stock of her love life!

The life of an actress is undoubtedly the dream of the whole planet… but it is not always synonymous with glamor or glitter. Clémentine Célarié, for example, is currently back on stage. On tour for A life, a play inspired by the famous novel by Guy de Maupassant and directed by Arnaud Denis, the 64-year-old actress has only one thing in mind: work, work and more work. So as much to say that if a suitor tries to enter his dressing room, he will be very badly received.

Discreet when it comes to her private life, Clémentine Célarié has been in a relationship with bassist Henri Diallo, father of her son Abraham, and with director Christophe Reichert, with whom she had Gustave in 1990 and Balthazar in 1992 But romance doesn’t seem to be a high priority at all anymore. “I don’t have room for a lover because he would have to be taken care of and I can’t. But it does not matter“, she explained on the airwaves of Sud Radio on February 2, 2022.

The thing is I have no life

The rehearsals, the memorization of her lines, the way in which she will convey emotion to the public… that is what matters most to Clémentine Célarié. And it is with happiness that she gets down to it, she who fought against cancer and was the victim of a pulmonary embolism. “The life of an actress in the theater, that’s itshe assures. I have a very nice room, but the thing is, I have no life. I have a life with my show and it’s sacred. I’m with my administrator and my two managers, who are really great, but we don’t see the world. It’s not tourism at all. There are people who tell me: ‘It’s nice, you see the landscape’. But we do not see the landscape at all!“The love of boards fills, fortunately, his heart…

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