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According to the 28-year-old, the subject of ecological transition should be central for all candidates. However, he denounces the lack of consideration on the part of certain parties on this point and assures that he will vote for the candidate most in phase on these questions.
Clément Debosque, 28, grew up in the North of France near Lille. He arrived in Paris about seven years ago. “For me it’s not even a political act to ride a bike, it’s the best way to get around, get some fresh air and arrive in good shape at work in the morning. In addition, it has the advantage of being an ecological means of transport so objectively I find that there is no debate”he explains. “During my graduate studies, I took a gap year in an NGO for seven months in the Philippines. There were social entrepreneurs there and when I came back from this experience which had a great impact on me, we launched, with friends , an association around volunteering and civic engagement called La Fourmilière”he continues.
The idea is to introduce local local associations to help with “anti-food waste actions” or “the fight against precariousness through the distribution of clothing and food”. There are also reception and integration actions for asylum seekers or refugees, or help with French lessons or sports. “I also became a co-founder of the association Ma Petite Planète, which focuses on the protection of the environment and which aims to raise awareness and get as many people as possible to take action for the protection of the environment. planet”, emphasizes Clement. For him, no doubt: “We are trying on our scale to contribute to responding to what we believe to be the greatest challenge in the history of humanity, namely climate change and the extinction of biodiversity”.
His fight, the young man of 28 years finds him too little in politics: “In some programs there is this side aspect of ecology, when it should be a social project supported by all parties. It is clear that on the far right and on the right, ecology is not is not an important subject”. “My understanding of the subject of politics is that the politician rarely acts, he reacts. The best way to get a nation on board is to set an example and there is a lack of it. When we make great speeches on the climate and that we travel by private jet”he laments.
Finally, if confirmation is needed again, Clément assures that his voice will go to the person who will be able to respond to his concerns, or at least be of interest. “I will vote for the candidate who, in my opinion, has the most ambition on the ecological transition. I have not yet made my choice, it will depend on how the candidates position themselves on these questions”he concludes.