Clément Beaune recalls “without any ambiguity” the “political line” of the government, that of “equality” and “the rights” of homosexuals

Clément Beaune, Minister Delegate for Transport, said on Friday July 15 on franceinfo that he had “without any ambiguity” the “full reassurance of the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic” of “the political line“of the government which is the one “of equality”, “Rights” and “advances that we have collectively conquered in the majority”. “Words must be followed by action”, demanded at the same time Marlène Schiappa, Secretary of State in charge of the Social and Solidarity Economy and Community Life, on France Inter,

The Minister of Transport reaffirmed his commitment to gay rights after the interview at the Parisian/Today in France Thursday, from his government colleague Caroline Cayeux, who provides “to regrethis 2013 “dumb” remarks criticizing the opening of marriage to same-sex couples. “I have a lot of friends among these people. Frankly, it’s a bad trial that I’m being made and it upset me a lot”, she said in particular.

The words of the Minister of Territorial Communities displeased Clément Beaune even if he denies having been personally affected: “It’s not me who’s hurt”he said.

“It’s a question of values, principles, political line. It has been recalled very clearly by the government.”

Clement Beaune

at franceinfo

“I defended it very clearly. I will always defend them, these convictions and these principles, that’s what matters to me”, he said. He also spoke about it with the interested party, Caroline Cayeux: “I thought it was very important not to hide it, to say it, in private and in public, because we are talking about fundamental subjects”he pointed out.

The mea culpa of the new Minister of Territorial Communities does not seem to be enough. According to information from franceinfo, members of the majority have signed a platform questioning his retention in government. The text, signed by a dozen parliamentarians and former ministers, should be published at the end of the week. Clément Beaune does not seem to oppose it: “If it’s to recall the principles and say what the political line is. Mine and my political fight, it’s clear, is that of equality, that of rights, of the advances that we have collectively won in the majority”he insisted.

A political line claimed by all at the top of the state, according to him: “I have the complete reassurance of the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic, it is that of equality, it is that, of course, of marriage for all, which is a right that we must absolutely defend.he said. “This is the line of the government, of the majority, I believe, without any ambiguity. If it needs to be said, repeated, clarified, I am doing it today and I believe that it is the line of the First Minister of the Republic. I even have the certainty of it, without any hesitation”he repeated.

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