Cindy Van Der Auwera (Large families): One of her children under treatment, severe pain and fatigue…

Cindy Van Der Auwera and her husband Sébastien were worried. Their 14-year-old daughter Colleen had to be hospitalized. Bad news announced by the candidate of Large families (TF1) in his Instagram story on February 17, 2022.

It was because Colleen felt severe pain in her lower abdomen that her mother quickly took her to the hospital for tests. Cindy Van Der Auwera immediately thought of appendicitis but the ultrasound did not seem to confirm this hypothesis. “Colleen is coming home tonight. Appendicitis suspected. But since they didn’t see her on the ultrasound and the blood test looks good, they let her out with the catheter in place. But tomorrow at 10:30 a.m., go to the hospital to redo the exams and see what’s going on. Why she has pain in the lower abdomen, right“, then explained Cindy Van Der Auwera, announcing that new exams were to take place the next day.

On Friday, February 18, the mother of 11 gave news of Colleen in her Instagram story, in order to reassure the thousands of subscribers who follow her. “We got home from the hospital, Colleen’s results are good. She has a whole treatment to take because she always has big abdominal pains, she’s tired too. We also thank you very much for all the messages of support that you were able to put on her and also put on my wall for her. That’s very nice thank you. (…) I will keep you informed in the week“, Cindy Van Der Auwera said in her video, Colleen standing right next to her.

The worries are linked for the Van Der Auwera at the start of the year. The whole family was affected by Covid-19 at the end of January-beginning of February. “He invited himself to our house. For two years we had slipped through the cracks. This time we did not escape it. We are also affected by Covid. The next few days are going to be complicated and force us to reorganize completely But we are not giving up, all welded together… We will carry life at arm’s length“, had informed Sébastien Van Der Auwera. The latter had specified that his wife had a fever, coughed a lot or had aches. Symptoms that all ended up feeling.

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