Cindy Poumeyrol (Koh-Lanta) very thin: new photos unveiled, she impresses

When we want we can ! And Cindy Poumeyrol can testify to that. The former candidate of Koh Lanta (The War of the Chiefs in 2019 and The legend in 2021) was in bad shape following her two pregnancies. But she took control and the result is clearly visible.

The divine blonde became a mother for the first time of a little girl named Alba two years ago. And soon after, she got pregnant again. Another little girl born on January 20, 2022 and whose name is Victoire. Like all women who have given life, Cindy Poumeyrol has seen her silhouette change. A new body that she had a hard time accepting. Thus, she gave herself the means to lose weight and the results were quickly visible.

Currently, Cindy Poumeyrol is having a good time in Ibiza. And on July 5, she posted a photo in which she poses wearing a small tight jumpsuit and a leather jacket. She is looking to the side and has a beautiful smile. A shot taken on a balcony, with the sea in the background. But this is not the landscape on which Internet users have lingered. Everyone noticed that Thomas’s wife had matured well. Just like in another photo she shared this Friday, July 8, in which she appears in a swimsuit.

His community was therefore quick to comment on these photos which impressed them. “But this body…”, “You look like a 22-year-old girl”, “How did you manage to lose so much weight? I want your secret”, “Wow, crazy legs”, “Oh la la, these crazy legs. You have slimmed down”, “A mama so fresh”, “Wahouuu these photos are magnificent. And congratulations on your weight loss.“, we were able to read in particular. So many messages that must have given Cindy an even bigger smile, for whom the efforts paid off.

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