Cindy Lopes “dropped” by the father of her children: “It’s a bit complicated”

Cindy Lopes has come a long way since participating in Secret Story in 2009. The candidate has established herself in the middle of the one-woman show. She was also on the set of The luxury moment 2.0 to promote new dates for his show. A news more than expected by Cindy Lopes. The latter admits to paying herself a minimum wage but is waiting for the start of her tour to be able to earn a little more. The job, made very complicated due to the Covid-19 crisis, has not brought him much in recent months. And she who thought she could count on Maxime, the father of her children, to supplement her monthly income, had to do without him: “[Il] is supposed to pay me but I’m having a bit of a hard time because he won’t give full child support“.

Cindy Lopes did not go into the details of their relationship but she explained that if he paid her a pension, it was less than what was planned from the start: “That’s a bit of a problem. I saw that there were laws passed at that level. I hope we will succeed in extracting money from dads who do not pay because it is quite complicated. He gives a quarter, it’s a big pension, he has two children so it should be something that normally would be acceptable, but ihe doesn’t give much, it depends on the day and what he wants I imagine. […] I have bills to pay, it’s a bit complicated.

It’s not just from a financial point of view that things got out of hand between the parents of Stella and Raphael. In November 2020, on the same show, Cindy Lopes confided that Maxime had been violent in their daily lives: “I asked that he get out of my house because he was a bit aggressive. He was violent, not enough to punch me in the face, but violent enough to be brutal. And I want to protect my children“.

Looking back, Cindy Lopes thinks she understood why their story didn’t work out: “We had two children and separated. I think he needed some fame. When we separated, he allowed himself the luxury of not recognizing the second. I think men have a little problem today. They say we emasculate them, but I don’t think they don’t need us“The atmosphere has always been just as icy since…

Click HERE to find the full interview with Cindy Lopes in The Luxury Moment.

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