Christmas in a big way: a blended family of 16 children… and it’s not over

socks everywhere

16 children

Residence : Saint-Lin–Laurentians

Mother : Nancy Lefebvre (41 years old)

Dad : Martin Huard (42 years old)

Status : Blended family.
Want to have another child.

Children : Britany (22 years old), Meghan (20 years old), Marie-Soleil (18 years old), Ludovik (16 years old), Mégane (16 years old), Thomas-Édouard (14 years old), Lukas (12 years old), Noah-Alexys ( 11 years old), Phoénix-Antoine (10 years old), Zoé (10 years old), Romy (9 years old), Krystal (7 years old), Nolan and Elliot (twins 5 years old), Sydney (3 years old), Maxence (2 years old)

A big house with 16 bedrooms and two vehicles of 12 and 8 passengers, this is the daily life of Martin Huard and Nancy Lefebvre, the parents of a reconstituted family of 16 children in Saint-Lin in the Laurentians.

With the father and the mother, we are able to form a hockey team and fill the bench of the Canadiens at the Bell Centre. It would only remain to add Cole Caufield and Nick Suzuki to complete the roster of 20 players and give themselves a little more bite in attack.

Moreover, the parents know our national sport well, because they have seven hockey players in the house.

When she was younger, Nancy Lefebvre wanted four children. Since then she has given birth to 14 babies.


“It can’t be explained, it came like that, mentions the mother. Each child was always the last, but sleepless nights, I’ve never experienced that, so I said to myself: it’s going well, I would like to have another one.

And it’s not over since the couple would like to have one last. “Afterwards, I come full circle,” she says.

48 yogurts in 4 days

Even if the three oldest have left the family nest and the number of children in the house can vary according to the custody agreements, the management of meals and snacks is elephantine.

It’s not uncommon for kids to stuff 48 yogurts in just four days.

“We get up in the morning and we have no more yogurts, there are little field mice that have gone into the fridge”, laughs the mother who has found solutions to limit excesses.


The groceries are hidden in the parents’ walk-in closet, and the door is locked.

“In the kitchen, I’m also on the eve of putting a padlock on the fridge,” adds the mother.

In order to save money, Nancy Lefebvre is stocking up and trying to make the most of the specials.

She also admits to changing the way she cooks due to price hikes at the grocery store.

“The iceberg salad we eliminated that,” she gives as an example.

some madness

Unlike other families, the Huard-Lefebvres often indulge in a few splurges.

“We must have shares in the Cage [Brasserie Cage Sportive]“, they say, explaining that children love the atmosphere with sports matches on the screens.

The family also loves traveling and does not hesitate to do so. Last summer, the parents packed two cars and drove to Florida for some quality time with 13 of their kids.

“That’s a lot of pee stops,” laughs the 41-year-old woman.

Currently, all family members are in Cuba with friends to spend Christmas.

Usually, the December 24 party is always at the Maison des Laurentides and grandma’s meatball stew is in the spotlight.

How much per week


Peanut Butter Jars



Toilet paper rolls

Money saving tips

Cooking with less expensive foods

Recycle and resell clothes and toys

Buy gifts at a discount 12 months a year

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