Christine Kelly still hospitalized: she makes a big announcement, in a blouse and infused

These last few days have not been the happiest for Christine Kelly. Indeed, the host at the controls of the show Facing the news on CNEWS was forced to leave the antenna. She thus swapped her microphone on set… for an infusion in her arm! The 52-year-old journalist is currently hospitalized. On social networks, she gives her news.

Wednesday evening, July 6, 2022, Christine Kelly took to her Instagram account. She shares a new photo there. She appears in a blue blouse, lying in her hospital bed with her arm infused. On her wrist, she wears a pink bracelet similar to those imposed by health establishments where the patient’s information is recorded. In the caption of this shot, the charming brunette says more about her condition and makes a nice announcement. “I should be going home in a few days. Good news. Thanks to the attentive medical staff. What human qualities to take care of others“, she wrote then. In comments, many Internet users wish him a good recovery. Among them, Géraldine Maillet or Bernard Montiel, both columnists for Cyril Hanouna in Do not touch My TV (C8).

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