Christine and the Queens are now masculine: “It’s a fairly long process…”

Extremely discreet lately, Chris was preparing a little surprise for his audience. In 2022, the 34-year-old artist returns to the forefront with a new concept album entitled Redcar the adorable stars. This is fantastic news for all those who have been waiting for new musical releases from him since 2018 – despite a few small nuggets scattered here and there, including the EP The Vita Nuova and his two more recent covers of Like the bird and Freedom by George Michael.

This need to take a step back, Chris did not only feel it for purely artistic reasons. The singer from Nantes, at the heart of a controversy since he assumed his marijuana use, simply had no time to waste, nor to give to his detractors. “JI’m tired of my page becoming the receptacle of such a reductive, problematic, sexist and above all particularly unleashed trollinghe explains in a video shared on Tik Tok. I have had enough, I believe, of this misunderstanding maintained by my silence, which was supposed to protect my art. I made a lot of music while you guys were busy calling me a junkie. When I saw the systematic side of trolling, I said to myself that something had to be done. I don’t like to bring myself to do this but in this case, I still have things to say.”

I’ve been gender male for a year now

This video was also an opportunity for Chris to reveal more about his personal situation. On social networks, some had already seen the appearance of the mention “he/him“on his profile – ie”he him“. It has actually been several months since this change took place, far from the canvas. “I’ve been gender male, for a year now, he specifies. A little more officially in my family and in my privacy in recent months. It’s quite a long process. Quit trolling me, trolling me with real attacks. Know that I gender myself in the masculine, so it’s a way of addressing me.” Another solution would be, if not, to simply leave him alone…

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