A family of journalists
Christiane was born Servan-Schreiber. In the siblings, there are 5. There are the sisters, Bernadette and Brigitte. And there are the brothers, John Jacques and Jean Louis. Of these 5, you know at least 4. Jean-Louis is a journalist and press owner. In particular, he created Expansion and was the owner of Psychology Magazine. Jean-Jacques, also a journalist, founded the newspaper The Express, with Francoise Giroud. Brigitte, it is in politics that she distinguished herself. Woman of letters, certainly, but also mayor of Meulan and senator. Christiane was there, alongside her brother, when L’Express was created. As she was there in the early hours of LCI. Alone Bernadette did not make itself known to the general public. Here, 4 of the children ofEmile were famous feathers. It is perhaps Émile himself, moreover, who passed on the torch to his children. It must be said that the father was a journalist, too. And he also founded his little newspaper. In 1908 he launched Echoes of exportwhich will later become The echoes.
– Fred Romanuik
From Servan-Schreiber to Collange
Christiane, from the start, wants to distinguish herself. Don’t think it’s easy to make a hole when your family members are famous. We quickly tag you girl Where sister of…So she found herself a pen name. That’s how you’ve always known Christiane Collange. And her hole, she made it. She who was at Science Po with Simone Veil. They were very good friends, by the way. They saw each other grow up. They fought, together or separately. But always keeping in sight. When they met, at dinner, they put the world to rights, talked about women’s rights, among other things. Christiane has written 22 books and signed thousands of articles. She has been a television and radio columnist. The Servan-Schreiber family has been part of the Parisian landscape for decades. So, to keep in touch with the land and the people, it was in Veulettes sur Mer that they liked to meet on weekends. With parents. Veulettes where the Servan-Schreiber descendants still like to meet. Around Christiane, the girl who has become a grandmother.