Chris Brown subject to rape complaint

(Los Angeles) A ​​woman who has remained anonymous has filed a civil complaint against singer Chris Brown, whom she accuses of having drugged and then raped her at the end of 2020 in Florida and from whom she is claiming $ 20 million in damages .

Posted at 7:52 p.m.

According to the complaint, a copy of which was seen by AFP, Chris Brown had invited the plaintiff, described as a “choreographer, dancer, model and musical artist”, on a yacht docked at the rapper Diddy’s home in Florida on December 30 2020.

The young woman says that during this evening she drank a glass offered by Chris Brown which made her “disoriented and physically unstable”.

She accuses the artist of having taken her to a room where, despite her protests, he took off her swimsuit bottoms before raping her.

“The traumatic events that the complainant […] suffered are shocking and should horrify us all, ”insists the complaint, filed Thursday in Los Angeles. The young woman says she seeks “to obtain justice for herself” and also hopes to “serve as an example” to others who may “have been at the mercy” of Chris Brown.

His lawyers, Ariel Mitchell and George Vrabeck, told the specialized site TMZ that their client had not reported the rape to the police at the time because she was a medical student and was embarrassed.

Pressed by AFP to say whether they intended to initiate criminal proceedings before a criminal court, the young woman’s lawyers did not respond by Friday afternoon.

Chris Brown reacted after the complaint on his Instagram account, writing “Every time I release music or a project ‘ILS’ (or ‘they’, editor’s note) try to throw real bullshit”, without specifying to whom he refers to.

The American singer is the subject of rape charges in a Parisian palace in January 2019, about which a French investigating judge is investigating. Chris Brown, who is not the subject of any prosecution at this stage, has denied the facts.

In 2009, he was convicted of hitting his then-girlfriend, superstar singer Rihanna, who was unable to attend the Grammy Awards due to her injuries.

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