Choice welcomed | The Journal of Montreal

The appointment of Gabriel Gervais with CF Montreal was well received by all the interlocutors contacted by The newspaper.

• Read also: Gabriel Gervais named president of CF Montreal

“I believe that the president must have a good understanding of the club and its culture. He has the required professional qualifications and he has accumulated a lot of experience, ”says Nick De Santis, who knows Gervais well from having played with him and having managed him.

De Santis maintained that his former teammate had a good command on his arms, flaying Kevin Gilmore in the process.

“After the last president, I think it’s a very good profile. In the last three years he has made a mess with the club. Gabe has a completely different profile and is able to rebuild what has been broken,” he said.

Same story on the side of John Limniatis, who hopes that Gervais will be able to rebuild the bridges with the amateurs.

“He’s got a lot of fan relations work to do and I think his presence will help with that.” »

Limniatis, who briefly crossed paths with Gervais before the latter retired in 2008, stressed the importance of recruiting a manager who is a veteran of the house.

“What I like about that is that he’s a guy from Quebec, from the team and maybe it’s better that way. With Patrick Leduc at the Academy, it’s a good team,” assures the former Impact coach.

His opinion is shared by Patrice Bernier, who knows Gervais well, having both grown up in Brossard.

“If you look at all the big clubs, the people who operate have been involved as players or administrators at some point. These are people who have the fiber of local soccer. »

posed and thoughtful

The three men praised the human qualities of Gervais and his professional skills.

“There are different types of leaders. There are emotional people and those who take a step back, who absorb and who seek solutions. Gabriel is that kind of leader,” says De Santis.

Bernier and Gervais played together in senior soccer, university and with the Impact, in 2002 before the former set off for Europe.

The former Impact captain is therefore well placed to list the qualities of his old accomplice.

“He’s really a very calm, serene, calm and thoughtful person. He has convictions, but he is transparent. »

“He’s a good person, first and foremost,” adds De Santis. He is humble and I am very happy for him. »

Perfect profile

Beyond all his qualities, Gervais also has skills that are important for a business leader.

“He’s a super competent guy and he’s a former member of the club, insists Bernier. He knows the management aspect and he is very savvy. »

“He’s a perfect profile, he’s from here, he knows Montreal, he speaks three languages. He ticks all the boxes,” says De Santis.

For the one who has held many positions within the club during a 26-year career, Gervais will mainly focus on reconnecting with fans and propelling the club into the new era of MLS.

“He will, I hope, have the necessary leeway to restore the club’s image and restore its acclaim. »

“People have broken away from the club and it’s sad, deplores De Santis, who still has his club at heart. Sometimes I have the impression that MLS is moving at high speed while the club is going in the opposite direction. »

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