Chloé Mortaud accused of advocating aesthetic medicine: her heartfelt response

Chloé Mortaud hides nothing from her subscribers. Thus, on September 14, 2022, Miss France 2009 made a secret which was not unanimous among Internet users, on Instagram: she had recourse to aesthetic medicine.

Time passes and the beautiful 32-year-old brunette has seen wrinkles appear that she would do without. Thus, Chloé Mortaud made the choice to pass between the hands of an expert in order to carry out botox injections. A carefully considered choice, as she explained after her appointment. In addition, she surveyed those close to her before launching and became well informed on the subject. “I wanted to do this in France and not in the United States because I don’t trust American doctors and I really wanted something very natural“, confided the wife of Dean David Neiger. The young woman, who lives in Miami, therefore took advantage of her stay in France to make her injections, the result of which would be visible within two days according to her doctor. did not please his whole community.

According to an Instagram story, Chloé Mortaud has apparently received some derogatory messages. The mother of Matis (9 years old and born from her past relationship with racing driver Romain Thievin) and Maeva (soon 6 months old, fruit of her union with Dean David Neiger) shared a screenshot on which we can see the message of a subscriber who asks him what the name of his doctor is. “I received many messages. Mostly positive (there are always negative comments). In short, I’m not advocating anything! I’m not here to say ‘you have to do it’ or ‘you don’t have to do it’. I’m just talking about my experience honestly and transparently! My choices are mine ! For those who asked me the name, I send it to you in DM“, can we read in the comment of the publication.

Chloé Mortaud then shared a video in which she raises her eyebrows to see if there was any change since her botox injections. “24h. It moves ! So maybe (in my opinion) a little less than yesterday, or it’s just in my head“, she wrote. A subscriber, who has already had recourse to aesthetic medicine, then told her that it was necessary to wait several days before noticing the effects. The former beauty queen will therefore have to arm herself patience.

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