China confines area around world’s largest iPhone factory

China is facing an increase in cases in various parts of its territory, as winter approaches.

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The Chinese authorities decreed Wednesday, November 2 the containment of the area around the factory manufacturing the majority of iPhones in the world, after the flight of employees worried by the discovery of an outbreak of Covid-19. The measure comes as China, the last major economy to enforce a strict zero Covid policy, faces a spike in cases in various parts of its territory as winter approaches.

The economic zone around Zhengzhou airport (center), where the factory managed by the Taiwanese group Foxconn is located, will have to observe a seven-day confinement, according to an official press release. The factory, which employs more than 200,000 people, has been affected since mid-October by positive cases of Covid-19. The site is located some 600 km southwest of Beijing. He “continues to operate in a closed circuit”Foxconn told AFP on Wednesday.

Footage on social media showed scores of employees, who usually live on the site year-round, fleeing the Zhengzhou factory over the weekend, some jumping over a fence, and walking home. at home, with their suitcases, over long distances. The NGO China Labor Watch, citing employee testimonies, deplored that sick employees had to continue to work with others, and that a large number of positive cases and contact cases had been isolated according to it in a neighboring building under construction.

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