The show The secret box, hosted by Faustine Bollaert, returns this Friday, January 28 from 9:10 p.m. We find there in particular the singer Chimène Badi. The artist is a woman today in her shoes: slimmed down, back on track with music (her last studio record was released in 2019) and in love. Indeed, she lives a beautiful love story with Julien after breaking up with Vincent, an ex-driver who became her manager.
Interviewed by the magazine TV Star in 2011, Chimène Badi confided in her separation which seemed to have been rather badly lived despite ultimately positive repercussions thereafter… “I am separated. I do not wanna talk about it. But I finally feel really good. It was time. Many beautiful things have happened to me in my life since the beginning of my career, but I did not know how to take advantage of them.“, declared the interpreter of the tubes Between us, The day after or I come from the south.
Previously, the former candidate of pop stars had opened up at greater length on the story she was then living with Vincent del Campo, in the pages of Gala : “I’m living a fabulous story (…) I’m happy, it’s someone who makes me feel good… we share everything. Over time, there has been a trust and a real understanding between us. Love is not only the beating heart, it is also to support each other, to be honest, to accept the faults of the other.” Unfortunately, the romance will not have held up over time.
Never mind, Chimène Badi has found love again! Indeed, the singer now coos in the arms of Julien, a sports educator with whom she leads a life together in the South of France, the star having no desire for children. “There are lots of reasons: today’s world, today’s society, which freaks me out, and I tell myself that bringing a child into the world in that world, I don’t know if I would be able to. It scares me. And then I don’t have this motherhood calling me“, she said frankly at the microphone of Purepeople in 2019.