Chimène Badi mocked after forgetting lyrics to her own song live

Exit TF1, Jarry has just landed on France 2! This Saturday, June 11, 2022, the comedian and actor also took his first steps on the channel by presenting a brand new program called “The Big Show”. “If I joined France Télévision, it’s for this show. For once we put forward people who watch TV” rejoiced Jarry in the columns of Parisian a few hours ago.

While the France Télévisions group is trying to relaunch its “entertainment” category, it is betting on this new program with on the menu: hidden cameras, happenings, surprises, reunions, trips to be won as well as unexpected services. If Amir did not hesitate to make a karaoke of his hits, Julie Zenatti sang in a bathtub… It was then the turn of Chimène Badi to do the show.

Chimène Badi mocked after forgetting her text
The singer revealed by the show “Popstars” has agreed to make up with a wig and sunglasses and pretend to be a taxi driver to trap one of her fans named Céline. Chimène Badi thus drove in Paris to bring her to the Marigny theater where the show was filmed before surprising her by revealing her identity. What make Céline cry, delighted and shocked to see her idol in the flesh.

Of course, Chimène Badi then began to sing the favorite song of the young woman, namely “The mirror”. At one point, the 39-year-old singer said “After that, I don’t know…” before making yogurt with “baba ba ba…”. Always very teasing, Jarry did not hesitate to gently make fun of the singer: “Chimene, thank you a thousand times for making people happy. But, Chimène, learn the words of your texts!” . To which the main interested party replied: “I haven’t sung it for a while.”

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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