Chaudière-Appalaches | A man recovered from the Chaudière River in critical condition

(Montreal) A man is in critical condition after being rescued Wednesday evening in the Chaudière River near Saint-Georges, in the Chaudière-Appalaches region, announced the Sûreté du Québec (SQ).

The man who “fished near the dam [Sartigan] would have lost his footing and fallen into the river,” indicates Nicolas Scholtus, spokesperson for the SQ.

Around 7:45 p.m., emergency services were called to respond. The fire department carried out a rescue operation to fish out the man, says the SQ.

He was transported to hospital, where he is in critical condition.

The investigation is ongoing, says Mr. Scholtus. “An investigator and forensic identification technicians will be dispatched to the scene.”

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