Charlotte Valandrey, heart transplant recipient: an idyll with her donor’s husband? “When I found out the truth…”

This Thursday, October 6, a tribute will be dedicated to Charlotte Valandrey, who died at the age of 53, after a second heart transplant, a last-ditch operation performed when she was facing new health problems. The opportunity to return to a strange story that happened to the late actress. In his work Of unknown heartpublished in 2011, the actress recounts having had a strange romance with her donor’s husband. First there were anonymous letters from a man, following the publication of his autobiography in 2005.

I know the heart that beats in you, I loved it…“, was it written in this first letter. Words that troubled Charlotte Valandrey. The actress, mother of a little Tara, then 9 years old, revealed that she then received strange letters. “Three letters, in total, written by an anonymous man who assures me that I carry the heart of his missing wife. and who speaks to her through me“, she had let it be known. She then wondered at length about this person who had given her his heart, after his death. Who was she? And was this correspondent with whom she exchanged really her husband? efforts to know the truth, “the bioethical law of 2004 imposes total secrecy“. She will never have had the end of this story.

I took a huge slap

Two years later, she is again upset this time by an encounter. A stranger then comes to see her regularly perform the play on stage. The memory of water, in Paris. He ends up approaching her. “His name is Yann, says he is divorced. We fall in love. Everything is going very well until the day when, a little later, finding myself alone at his place, I open his secretary, pushed by an intuition. There, I come across a file, with a death certificate from Hospital X and a newspaper article mentioning the accident in the Place de la Nation; I understand then that Yann is the husband of the young woman who died that eveningshe reported at the time. When I found out the truth, I took a huge slap. This story is certainly not for nothing in the third heart attack that fell on me shortly after and from which I fortunately recovered very well.

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