Charlotte Gainsbourg: Her daughters Jo and Alice accomplices for a family vacation in Rome

Charlotte Gainsbourg is at the head of a lovely family made up of her companion Yvan Attal and their three children: Ben (25), Alice (20) and Jo (11). A close-knit clan where everyone keeps their freedoms and independence. As proof, Charlotte Gainsbourg took the last two of the tribe on board for a girls’ trip to Rome, Italy. The star came for the LOVOTIC exhibition, a conceptual album around the carnal relationship that a man and a robot could have, at the FOROF in Rome. An event that she introduced to her two daughters.

Their stay in the country of the boot, Alice and Jo seem to have enjoyed it. On her Instagram account, the young woman revealed a little more than her famous mother, who was much more professional. On the pictures she has published, Alice reveals behind the scenes of the Italian trip which she took advantage of with her mother and her little sister. The complicity was indeed there between them. With about 10 years apart, Jo and Alice might have nothing in common, yet it’s quite the opposite if we trust the photos of the sisters taken in the streets of Rome.

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