Charlotte Gainsbourg: Her daughter Jo, accomplice and tender with her father Yvan Attal, rare snapshot revealed!

Charlotte Gainsbourg treated herself to an unforgettable vacation with her daughters, Alice Attal, 19, and Jo Attal, 10. After Rome and Abu Dhabi, the French actress and her clan is finally back. Very active on social networks, the 50-year-old actress nevertheless shares little content about her family, and even less about her companion Yvan Attal. And this Thursday, May 11, with the exception of the one that we currently find on the poster for season 2 of the series In Therapyon Arte, offered its subscribers a rare shot of the actor and director with their youngest Jo.

If Ben Attal, 24, and Alice seem to have taken on the DNA of the Gainsbourg clan, the 10-year-old girl is the perfect lookalike of her father. “Fhasther and daughter“, writes very soberly Charlotte Gainsbourg in the caption of a superb black and white shot, where we can see Jo Attal place a kiss on the cheek of his illustrious father. A moment of complicity immortalized by Charlotte Gainsbourg who should soften her many subscribers on Instagram (see the slideshow).

Destroyed by the departure of its elders

Charlotte Gainbourg, like many other mothers, had a hard time seeing her two eldest children leave the family nest. Mother of three children, she recently opened up on the issue. “My middle daughter is leaving. Finally, she left, came back… The departure of children, it’s something we don’t talk about much. My sister Kate told me, when her son left home, that we were being prepared to be pregnant, to become mothers, to face our children’s adolescence, but not when they left.“, she thus confided to our colleagues from the newspaper The Parisiandestroyed by their departure.

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