Charest uses secularism to attack Poilievre

When Jean Charest announced his candidacy for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada, we were surprised to learn that he was not only against Bill 21, but that a government under his leadership was going to intervene before the Supreme Court.

This position was surprising, because Quebec Conservative MPs have always said that their party should not interfere in this debate.

To defend himself, Mr. Charest mentioned that it was the duty of every Canadian prime minister to defend the Charter. However, last Thursday, during the debate organized by the Canada Strong and Free Network, he used Bill 21 to attack Pierre Poilievre head-on.


Caught in a corner, not wanting to answer Mr. Poilievre’s question about how much he had received from the Chinese company Huawei, Mr. Charest decided to create a diversion. He did not answer and he addressed the issue of secularism.

Mr. Charest said, “Is there anything more important than religious freedom? I do not believe. »

Subsequently, Mr. Charest criticized the member for Carleton for defending the traditional position of the CPC and not saying that he too was going to intervene before the Supreme Court.

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It is surprising to see a former premier of Quebec proactively suggesting as a line of attack that the federal government must intervene against a law of provincial jurisdiction to please an English Canadian public.

How did the Quebec Conservative MPs who support Jean Charest feel when they heard this attack? They must have been a little surprised.

Mr. Charest tries to score points outside Quebec to win the race. If he becomes leader, he may be jeopardizing his chances of electing members of Parliament in Quebec during the next campaign.

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