CH: the reconstruction is well and truly underway

Nick Suzuki is not afraid of words. In his eyes, the reconstruction is launched at the Montreal Canadiens.

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Behind the trade that sent Tyler Toffoli to the Calgary Flames, there is a clear message from general manager Kent Hughes: at the right price, Habs veterans can leave. And when the lowest-ranked club in the National Hockey League (NHL) makes that kind of decision amid a 10-game losing streak, it’s easy to believe a rebuilding process has been duly launched.

“The new management has a vision of what it wants, and that’s the path it has chosen,” the striker clearly explained on Tuesday by videoconference.

Take over

In this context, some older or out-of-contract players will want to assert themselves by the trade deadline to join teams that are aiming for the top. Other younger people, like Suzuki and Cole Caufield, certainly see it as an opportunity to take over.

Playing his third season in Montreal, Suzuki had the opportunity to rub shoulders with great players, such as Shea Weber and Carey Price. He learned a lot from them and he believes he is ready to become one of the leaders of this formation. He also has his own idea of ​​what a good leader is.

“I feel prepared,” Suzuki said. Each year, we had great leaders, guys from whom I tried to learn things. Obviously Shea [Weber] during my first years, then [Toffoli, Brendan Gallagher et Paul Byron]…»

“My vision of a good leader is one who leaves everything on the ice by leading by example and speaking up when the time is right. We’ve had quieter leaders, guys who get things done on the ice. I think that’s the best way. If you’re not ready to do it yourself on the ice, it’s hard to lead with words.


Suzuki will enter next season on an eight-year, $63 million contract. Since he has been linked to the team for many years, he certainly has an advantage in being one of the architects of this reconstruction. Saying that the atmosphere remains quite good in the team, he now hopes that the process will not drag on.

“Let’s hope that we won’t need five years to rebuild,” he said. There are older guys who want to stay here and don’t want a long rebuild. Hopefully we can do it quickly.”

His teammate Caufield also seems to see the glass half full on this side.

“We have a young core here that can do special things,” he said.

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