CEO of the CH: an influential Quebec agent does not close the door

Who will end up in the chair of general manager of the Montreal Canadiens?

• Read also: Not before 2022 for Carey Price

“We want to find someone who looks different from mine. It could be an agent or just a former player. ”

Going from that statement on Friday, the Canadiens’ new vice-president of hockey operations, Jeff Gorton, opened the door to a world of possibilities.

Because if the names of some former players (Daniel Brière, Mathieu Darche, Patrick Roy) had already been mentioned for several days as legitimate and potential aspirants to the post of CEO, the applications for agents had not really been considered before this exit from Gorton.

But there. The new Habs hockey boss has often repeated, during his first Montreal media bath, that he wanted to hire a person with attributes complementary to his own.

“I have never been an agent or a player,” he repeated.

Among the agents, in fact, there are a few candidates who correspond to the profile sought by the 53-year-old man (very good knowledge of hockey, bilingual, different background).

And among them, we find the son of a former Canadiens player (funny coincidence!) Who presents, it must be admitted, a very interesting curriculum vitae: Dominic DeBlois.

“I have still not been contacted by the team, confided the main person concerned when contacted by TVA Sports. But I have no choice but to admit that what is happening in Montreal catches my attention. It is certain that I would not refuse an interview with the CH. We are still talking about the Montreal Canadiens! ”.

If Dominic DeBlois’s name hasn’t been mentioned often in recent days, it’s certainly not due to a lack of skills. Quite the contrary!

Look at the thick track record of an accomplished hockey man.

Several strings to his bow

Dominic DeBlois is currently the Managing Director of Will Sports Group, an agency representing the interests of several big names in the National Hockey League, including Miro Heiskanen, Thomas Chabot and Tyler Seguin. There, he oversees contract negotiations and is involved in all aspects of day-to-day operations.

He’s adept with numbers, masters the behind-the-scenes game behind tough negotiations, and has a reputation for constantly being at the front lines defending the interests of his players. He does not let go, as they say.

In September 2019, DeBlois, who is 37, negotiated the most lucrative contract in history for a Quebec player by allowing Chabot to commit for eight years and $ 64 million with the Ottawa Senators. .

CEO of the CH: an influential Quebec agent does not close the door

Raised by a father, Lucien DeBlois, having played 15 seasons in the NHL (including two in Montreal), Dominic was naturally drawn to hockey when he was younger. He notably played four seasons in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, then two in the Canadian university circuit.

After completing his junior internship, in 2008 he obtained a degree in civil law at the University of Ottawa.

Over the years, DeBlois has also built a solid reputation for recruiting young local talent.

It was he himself who recruited several of the local players he represents or has represented, including David Savard, Thomas Chabot and Xavier Ouellet.

“Of course, looking at this, I recognize that my career can be interesting and tick several criteria set out by Gorton,” said the agent.

What kind of interest?

Relaunched on the real interest he had in the position of general manager of the Canadiens, DeBlois went with this answer.

“I am very happy in my current role and I don’t want my clients to think that I want to run away! I love my work. But I would be lying to you by telling you that I am not challenged by what is happening in Montreal. Just to know that my name is circulating, that does something to me.

“My dad played for this team and I know what it means to the people here. We will see what will happen in the coming days. ”

48 hours ago, Jeff Gorton decided to publicize his hiring criteria. With what we know today, Dominic DeBlois’ candidacy largely deserves to be considered.


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