Celine Dion soon back in France? Michel Drucker gives news and reveals the “non-negotiable” condition!

Will she really make a comeback? Yes, but on one condition. Indeed, all Celine Dion fans have already taken their places for her shows scheduled at Paris La Défense Arena from September 16 to 24. However, the doubt remains because of the many rumors saying that the Quebec star has been suffering for some time. The artist had already mentioned his health concerns in a press release published last January.

“I will be so happy when I get my health back, the pandemic is behind us and I get on stage again. In the meantime, I have been so touched by all the messages of encouragement you have sent me on the social media. I feel your love and support and it means a lot to me.” she wrote, no doubt pained by the situation. However, she would actually suffer from “severe and persistent muscle spasms that prevent her from performing” and “her recovery is taking longer than she expected. Her medical team continues to assess and treat her condition.”

Since these announcements, nothing. Until Michel Drucker speaks in the columns of our colleagues from Gala in an interview to be published in the magazine this Thursday, February 24. The famous animator knows Celine Dion well and assures that she will return, but it will be on a specific condition. “I think she really wants to come back, but I think it’s out of the question for her to do so if she’s not on top form”assures the one who officiates on his famous red armchair every Sunday before adding: “She won’t come back if she’s not the Céline we’ve been waiting for. Céline, she doesn’t almost sing!”. We have been warned.

Now, all the fans are crossing their fingers so that the superstar regains his health and feels capable of performing his shows next September.

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