Céline Dion: A friend also attacks Aline by Valérie Lemercier …

While Valérie Lemercier should achieve one of the biggest boxes of her directorial career with Aline – which already has almost 1.1 million spectators in theaters – the star is having a great controversy in Quebec following the reactions of the Dion clan, which have knocked out the film. A friend of the singer reacts in turn.

Quebec host and producer Julie Snyder, who received on the set of her show The week of 4 Julie part of the Dion clan, the magazine replied. Gala. While she was to welcome in her show Valérie Lemercier, the latter canceled her visit after the controversy aroused by the words of Michel and Claudette, which completely missed out on the fictional and humorous aspect proclaimed from the beginnings of the project. .. “Imagine that in Quebec we release a film on Tony Hairday or Judith Paf to evoke Johnny Hallyday or Edith Piaf … that would make you weird“, proclaims the host, who obviously does not understand either the artistic approach of Valérie Lemercier, known for her touch of madness and her crazy ideas.

Julie Snyder did not appreciate that Valérie Lemercier, for whom she swears to have “admiration“, allows herself to push the cursor a little on certain funny aspects of Celine Dion’s life. Or that she can invent a few facts, such as her supposed friendship with her makeup artist.”The film moves away from reality a bit. For example, Céline has never been intimate with her makeup artist and for good reason, she does makeup alone before her shows, but she has long been very close to her stylist Annie Horth“, relates the host, who therefore forgets that it was never a question of making a pure and hard biopic without anything beyond …

Julie Snyder also criticizes Aline to portray a Celine Dion who would be under the influence, unable to impose herself in her career. “In showbiz, Celine is a killer. I have heard René say: ‘I have a meeting with Céline’ instead of ‘I’m going to have lunch with my wife.’ Over time, relations had been reversed between them“, she adds.

While Valérie Lemercier had an old dispute with Quebec, it remains to be seen whether or not the public will go to the cinema for an opinion …

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