Celine Dion “95% cured”? His return to the stage is being prepared, revelations!

Last April, Celine Dion took the floor, on video, to announce yet another postponement of her tour Courage World Tour because of her still worrying state of health, she who has been suffering from severe muscle spasms since October 2021. Since then, the rumor machine has been running at full speed and all the worst possible illnesses are sticking to its skin. His media silence clearly does not help to calm the spirits… But it could well be that good news is approaching!

Indeed, the most assiduous fans of Celine Dion have spotted messages on the Web announcing that, on the side of Las Vegas, there would be agitation around the diva. The 54-year-old star was due to perform on a third permanent residency at the Resorts World, from last year, but was forced to cancel. His comeback seems to be underway. “The latest rumor has it that Celine Dion could start her residency for the New Year. We’re told she’s nearly recovered from her health concerns and has reportedly been in touch with stylists to prep her show’s wardrobe“, writing Vital Vegasa site specializing in Las Vegas news.

And it’s not the only American site to report similar (good?) news about Celine Dion’s imminent return to the stage after months of absence, she who currently lives barricaded in her huge property with her three sons. “After three postponements due to Covid and her health, Celine’s team is apparently busy announcing her arrival at Resorts World before the New Year. Supposedly 95% healed and ready to get back on stage quickly, informed Las Vegas sources have heard that she has contacted fashion houses for her wardrobe while Law Roach will once again be her stylist.“, adds for its part the site two me.

For now, Celine Dion – also expected at the cinema in the romantic comedy It’s All Coming Back to Me this winter – has not yet officially announced its return to the stage…

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