Streaming on MAX, "The Penguin" is a compelling spin-off from "The Batman," following Oswald Cobb, played by Colin Farrell, as he rises through Gotham's...
A sequel to the iconic Gladiator, directed by Ridley Scott, introduces a new protagonist, Lucius, played by Paul Mescal. This ambitious follow-up features a...
Netflix's Operation Banco Central, despite its promising heist storyline and talented cast, is struggling to resonate with audiences. Launched as a potential successor to...
This article explores a chilling aspect of the Harry Potter series related to the number 13, as highlighted by Sibyl Trelawney's ominous prediction in...
Jay, a taxi driver in Tokyo, searches for his estranged daughter, Lily, after nine years apart. Directed by Guillaume Senez, Une Part manquante features...
Lino embarks on a transformative journey, leaving his chaotic past behind, underscoring the idea that all experiences ultimately benefit us. As Claude Lelouch reflects...
Ridley Scott's Gladiator, released 24 years ago, became a landmark film, earning over $465 million and winning 5 Oscars, including Best Picture and Best...
Cat's Eyes has premiered on TF1, featuring Constance Labbé, Camille Lou, and Claire Romain in leading roles. The series captivates with its ambitious plot,...
Excitement is mounting for "Mission: Impossible - The Final Reckoning," set to release on May 21, 2025, following the success of "Dead Reckoning Part...
Ridley Scott's long-awaited sequel, Gladiator II, follows young Lucius, who is sent to Africa after Maximus's death. Two decades later, he is forced to...
In the latest episode of Plus belle la vie, Gabriel faces legal troubles after being fined for speeding while pursuing an impersonator. Meanwhile, Ophélie...
Nick Gillard, stunt coordinator, discussed the casting of Darth Maul in the Star Wars prequels during an interview with Chris Castellani. He revealed that...
On May 25, 1977, Star Wars premiered, revolutionizing the film industry and generating nearly $4 billion today. Inspired by its success, Disney embarked on...
Lionel Lanneau, a central character in the daily drama "Here It All Begins," faces personal turmoil following his girlfriend Kelly's betrayal. After a painful...
Arcane, the acclaimed animated series set in the League of Legends universe, is returning for a much-anticipated second season. Scheduled for release on Netflix...