In the upcoming season 5 of "Here It All Begins," Anaïs confronts potential hearing loss while Marc and Rose form an unexpected partnership. Producer...
In the upcoming episode of Tomorrow Belongs to Us, tensions rise as Sébastien worries for his daughter’s safety amidst Michel Prado's potential involvement in...
In recognition of International Children's Rights Day, France 2 will premiere *Signalements*, directed by Eric Métayer, on November 20. The film, adapted from a...
Piece by Piece is an innovative Lego animated documentary that chronicles Pharrell Williams' inspiring career. Directed by Morgan Neville, the film intertwines Pharrell's life...
Parasomnia Productions, launched in 2021 through a partnership between Moana Films and Sony Pictures, aims to promote low-budget French genre films across various styles...
In the upcoming episode of Tomorrow Belongs to Us, tensions escalate as Raphaëlle faces intimidation from Michel Prado, prompting her to seek legal protection....
Le film "La Menace Glaciale" marque le retour des Ghostbusters, réunissant une nouvelle génération de chasseurs de fantômes avec les légendaires Bill Murray et...
In a digital era dominated by streaming, prominent filmmakers like Christopher Nolan and Guillermo del Toro emphasize the importance of physical media, such as...
Coralie Fargeat, the visionary behind the film The Substance, serves as director, writer, editor, and co-producer, achieving over $50 million at the global box...
Set in a distant future, Dune: Prophecy explores the enigmatic Bene Gesserit sisterhood as they navigate political intrigue and pursue their ambitious goals on...
Brad Pitt's evolution in the 1990s established him as a Hollywood icon, highlighted by his role in "Seven." Portraying detective David Mills, Pitt insisted...
Streaming on MAX, "The Penguin" is a compelling spin-off from "The Batman," following Oswald Cobb, played by Colin Farrell, as he rises through Gotham's...
A sequel to the iconic Gladiator, directed by Ridley Scott, introduces a new protagonist, Lucius, played by Paul Mescal. This ambitious follow-up features a...
Netflix's Operation Banco Central, despite its promising heist storyline and talented cast, is struggling to resonate with audiences. Launched as a potential successor to...