A Little Something More, a touching film directed by Artus, has transitioned from theaters, where it attracted 10.8 million viewers, to MyCanal. This uplifting...
"À contre-sens" returns with a highly anticipated sequel, "À contre-sens 2," streaming on Prime Video. The film continues the passionate saga of Noah and...
In the upcoming episode of Ici tout commence, tensions rise as Gary grapples with his feelings for Zoé, leading to misunderstandings and confrontations. Meanwhile,...
Since the release of John Wick: Chapter 4 in March 2023, speculation about a fifth film has intensified. Keanu Reeves has expressed uncertainty about...
In the upcoming episode of Ici tout commence, tensions rise as Zoé and Gary navigate their evolving relationship after an intimate night. Lionel confronts...
Portraying Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette in a unique light poses a challenge, as evidenced by their frequent cinematic depictions. In the film *Le Déluge*,...
Victoire feels relieved after rescuing Romane from Thibault Rosset, whose arrest follows a police investigation. Thibault claims innocence during interrogation, while evidence begins to...
2024 has been a remarkable year for science fiction cinema, highlighted by Denis Villeneuve’s Dune - Part Two, which achieved an impressive 4.5 rating...
Tonight, Arte features the classic film "It's a Wonderful Life," directed by Frank Capra and starring James Stewart and Donna Reed. This beloved Christmas...
Discover the editorial team's top films of 2024, showcasing their favorite cinematic achievements after extensive viewings throughout the year. The list of standout films...
David Ayer's original vision for Suicide Squad, released in 2016, starkly contrasts with the theatrical cut that disappointed audiences and critics alike. Despite the...