Health News

Peripheral nerve damage (peripheral neuropathies)

Peripheral nerve damage (peripheral neuropathies)



Asthma: treatment of the attack

Asthma: treatment of the attack

Asthma in adults

Asthma in adults


What is it about ? Ascariasis is a cream-colored earthworm infection, Ascaris lumbricoides, 15 to 40 centimeters long and 3 to 6...

Reactive arthritis

What is it about ? Reactive arthritis is a type of joint inflammation (arthritis) that develops as a reaction to other inflammation...

Psoriatic arthritis

What is it about ? Psoriatic arthritis is a form ofjoint inflammation (arthritis) which affects people with psoriasis, a chronic...

Arthritis in children

What is it about ? Arthritis refers to a joint inflammation. Inflammation that affects only one joint is known as monoarthritis....

Giant cell arteritis or temporal arteritis

What is it about ? Giant cell arteritis is also called temporal arteritis. It is a condition characterized by inflammation of...

Stop smoking (smoking cessation)

What is it about ? Most smokers have some form of tobacco addiction. This dependence is at the same time physical,...


What is it about ? Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is ​​a small, worm-shaped outgrowth located...

Direct oral anticoagulants

What is it about ? Coagulation is a mechanism that allows blood clots to form when blood comes into contact with air...

Anti coagulants

What is it about ? Coagulation is a mechanism that allows blood clots to form when blood comes into contact with air...

Antibiotics: how to use them sensibly?

What is it about ? The bacteria are very small, single-celled organisms (microorganisms), capable of surviving under changing environmental conditions, such as...

Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): use them safely

Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): use them safely

Structural abnormalities in children

Structural abnormalities in children





Aneurysm and aortic dissection

Aneurysm and aortic dissection

Brain aneurysm and cerebral hemorrhage

Brain aneurysm and cerebral hemorrhage
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