Health News

Emergency contraception and the morning after pill

What is it about ? After you have had unprotected sex, you can use emergency contraception (post-coital contraception) to prevent possible...

Contraception: other methods

What is it about ? The hormonal methods and the IUDs are presented in two other guides. This patient guide presents...

Preconception consultation

What is it about ?The preconception consultation is intended for all women who plan to have a child. It aims to...

Constipation in children

What is it about ? The constipated child has difficulty having a bowel movement, that is, they defecate less than three times...

Constipation in adults

What is it about ? Some people have a bowel movement three times a day, others three times a week. If...

Youth substance abuse

What is it about ? Substance abuse is the excessive consumption of alcohol and / or other drugs. It doesn't necessarily...

Genetic counseling

What is it about ? The hereditary characteristics that we have inherited from our parents determine the structure of our body, its...

Mixed Connectivity (CM)

What is it about ? Mixed connectivitis (CM) is a disease characterized by damage to connective tissue. It is called "mixed" because...


What is it about ? Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the mucous membrane that lines the white...

Nerve compression and compression disorders

What is it about ? Nerves run throughout the body and are used to conduct information between the brain and the rest...

Compression of the femoral nerve (meralgia paresthetica)

What is it about ? Meralgia paresthetica is usually caused by a pinching of a cutaneous nerve in the groin (the lateral...

Suicidal behavior in children and adolescents

What is it about ? Suicidal behavior expresses suffering. People who have thoughts of suicide are looking for a way out...

Complications after tooth extraction and after surgery in the mouth

What are they and how do you recognize them? Sometimes it is necessary to remove a tooth or perform another operation in...


What is it about ? A concussion is a mild head injury. Head trauma, also called traumatic brain injury, is a disorder...

Colonoscopy and Sigmoidoscopy

What is it about ? Colonoscopy (or colonoscopy) is an examination that allows you to view the inside of the large intestine...

Ulcerative colitis

What is it about ? Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory colon disease in which the inflammation is confined to the mucous...

Athlete’s heart

What is it about ? The term “athlete's heart” refers to changes in the heart that occur after heavy or prolonged training....

Liver cirrhosis

What is it about ? Cirrhosis is a disease of the liver in which healthy liver cells are replaced by...

Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum)

What is it about ? Fifth disease is a contagious childhood illness (childhood illness) caused by a virus, namely human parovirus B19....

Keloid scar

What is it about ? Scarring is a spontaneous repair mechanism after skin damage due to trauma, surgery, or disease. New...
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