Health News

Allergic contact eczema

What is it about ? Allergy is an overreaction of the body's immune system against harmless substances. During a first contact,...

Discharge from the ear (otorrhea) in case of transtympanic drains (diabolos)

What is it about ? The placement of transtympanic drains (diabolos) is a very common procedure in children. We can consider...

Nipple discharge (galactorrhea) and inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis)

What is it about ? This patient guide deals only with nipple discharge and inflammation of the mammary gland in women who...


What is it about ? Ultrasound is a diagnostic technique that uses non-audible sound waves (ultrasound). The doctor first applies a...

Ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography)

What is it about ? An echocardiogram is a technique that looks at the heart through ultrasound. During a ultrasound, sound...


What is it about ? Echinococcosis is a disease caused by a parasitic flat worm, echinococcus. There are several variations of...

Dyspnoea in children

What is it about ? Acute dyspnea in children is a serious and potentially life-threatening situation. It can have different causes....

Liver fluke

What is it about ? Liver fluke (or hepatic distomatosis) is contamination of the liver by fluids or trematodes. There are...

Pain in the lower abdomen of gynecological origin

What is it about ? Pain in the lower abdomen is very common. Most often, they are caused by a problem...

Pain in muscles and bones (musculoskeletal pain)

What is it about ?Musculoskeletal pain is an umbrella term for pain in muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and joints, including their nerves,...

Knee pain in growing children

What is it about ? Children and active teens often develop knee pain. Typically, the pain is in the front of...

Vaginal pain (vulvodynia)

What is it about ? Vulvodynia or vaginal pain is a condition characterized by pain felt in the external part of the...

Testicular pain

What is it about ? Testicular pain can have different causes, both in the testicle itself and related structures, such as the...

Pain in buttock and hip

What is it about ? There are many causes of pain in the buttock and hip. The hip...

Pain in and around the eye

What is it about ? Pain in the eye (intraocular) and around the eye (periocular) may be due, for example, to ...

Heel pain

What is it about ? Heel pain (heel pain) is usually caused by irritation of the membrane covering the sole of the...

Calf pain

What is it about ? By “calf pain” we mean any pain, whatever the cause, in the back of the leg, between...

Anal pain

What is it about ? Pain in the area of ​​the anus or rectum is a very common symptom. People sometimes...

Hip pain in children

What is it about ? The hip joint is made up of the head of the femur which is round...

Pain on the outside of the hip (trochanteric pain)

What is it about ? The femur is the longest bone in our body. It goes from hip to knee. ...
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