Health News

Acute frontal sinusitis

What is it about ? Sinuses are spaces filled with air, located in the bones of the skull. They...

Chronic sinusitis

What is it about ? Sinuses are spaces filled with air, located in the bones of the skull. They...


What is it about ? Inhalation of mineral dust causes chronic fibrosis of the lung called pneumoconiosis. We are talking ...

Black stools due to the presence of blood (melena)

What is it about ? A melena refers to black stools because they contain blood. Blood turns black after digestion with...

Dry mouth

What is it about ? Dry mouth means not enough saliva is produced to keep your mouth moist enough. ...

Scoliosis and Kyphosis

What is it about ? Scoliosis and kyphosis are abnormalities of the axis of the spine. When viewed from the side, a...

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

What is it about ? Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease of the nervous system. Its name literally means "scarring...


What is it about ? The term 'scleroderma' comes from the Greek 'scleros' (hardening) and 'derma' (skin). Scleroderma is characterized by...


What is it about ? Schizophrenia is a serious and chronic psychiatric disorder. It belongs to the class of...


What is it about ? Sarcomas are malignant tumors that can develop in tissue and bone. They come from connective tissue...


What is it about ? Sarcoidosis is a condition characterized by the appearance of spontaneous inflammation in one or more...

Blood in the urine (hematuria)

What is it about ? The presence of blood in the urine is evident when the urine is bright red to almost...

Blood in semen (hemospermia)

What is it about ? Hemospermia (or hematospermia) means that there is blood in the semen. Hemospermia is usually a mild...

Blood in the eyeball (vitreous hemorrhage)

What is it about ? The eyeball contains a transparent gel, the vitreous, which fills most of the eye and is located...

Bleeding in late pregnancy

What is it about ? This is vaginal bleeding during the third trimester of pregnancy, when the baby is already viable. ...

Bleeding in the skull (intracranial haemorrhages and bruises)

What is it about ? The skull contains the brain. The brain is surrounded by 3 protective membranes called the meninges....

Bleeding during pregnancy (less than 28 weeks)

What is it about ? Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy does not necessarily mean that you are having a miscarriage. There may...

Bleeding after removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy)

What is it about ? In case of frequent inflammation of the tonsils, the ENT may decide to remove them. This...

Slow heartbeat (bradycardia)

What is it about ? The heart is made up of two upper chambers (the atria) and two lower chambers (the ventricles)....

Sudden redness

What is it about ? These are attacks characterized by sudden reddening of the skin. This reddening is caused by the...
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