Health News

Ear trauma

What is it about ? The pinna is the visible outer part of the ear. It is made up of cartilage...

Hand and finger trauma

The hand has 19 small bones. The thumb has 2 phalanges, the 4 fingers have 3 phalanges. The hand also...

Head trauma in children

What is it about ? Children easily hit their heads when they fall or in accidents when playing. A shock to the...

Head trauma: consequences

What is it about Head trauma, also called traumatic brain injury, is a disorder in the functioning of the brain caused...

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)

What is it about ? Our skin is dotted with small glands that produce perspiration. This production of perspiration plays...


What is it about ? A transgender person is someone who does not recognize the gender (sex) given to them at birth...

Blood transfusions

What is it about ? A blood transfusion is the use of blood from a donor to treat a 'recipient'. Blood...

Treatment with psychotropic drugs in children and adolescents

What is it about ? Psychotropic drugs are drugs used in the treatment of serious psychological problems. They are prescribed only...

Treatment of a near-drowned person

What is it about ? Drowning occurs when water is inhaled into the lungs. When a person remains immersed for a...

Tracheostomy (opening in the trachea): care

What is it about ?A tracheostomy is an artificial opening in the neck that allows air to enter directly into the trachea....


What is it about ? Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a single-celled parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. This parasite can infect...

Drug addiction: treatment

What is it about ? Addiction to substances such as alcohol, sleeping pills and painkillers, pain relievers and drugs is a common...

Drug addiction and motherhood: monitoring the child after childbirth

What is it about ? This patient guide talks about the follow-up of a child whose mother had excessive and compulsive consumption...

Drug addiction and pregnancy

What is it about ? Pregnancy in a drug addict is always considered a high risk pregnancy. This means that there...

Drug addiction: role of the doctor

What is it about ? Drug addiction (addiction) should not be confused with dependence. We talk about drug dependence when stopping a...

Drug addiction

What is it about ? Drug addiction (addiction) is characterized by the repetition of addictive behaviors, for example the consumption of drugs....

Prolonged and chronic cough in children

What is it about ? Cough is not a disease, but rather a symptom. This symptom can refer to a variety...

Acute cough

What is it about ? Cough problems are generally divided into two categories namely acute cough and chronic cough. The acute or...

Tics in childhood

What is it about ? A tic is a brief and sudden movement or sound which has the characteristic that it is...

Subacute thyroiditis

What is it about ? The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that sits at the base of the neck, just below...
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