Carole (Love is in the meadow): The reason for her breakup with Steve finally revealed (EXCLUDED)

The candidate of Love is in the meadow 2017 had a romance with a man named Steve. Unfortunately for Carol, it did not work. A rupture on which she spoke for the first time during an interview for Purepeople.

You had a relationship with a certain Steve. You were even engaged. Why didn’t it work?

I adored him immensely, but his behavior was difficult to handle. I did everything to help him but I realized that it was not up to me to help him, it was up to him to find himself. It didn’t help, it was the leak and it was very difficult. He loved me but he left me every six months, he came back crying, I forgave… His trauma was difficult too. At one point I said stop to protect myself. It was very difficult for me. My heart is still partly for him, but you have to stop at some point. It was too far. I hope he has stabilized since then and someone can help him. It’s hard because I talk about it in my book My Rebirth where I talk about my previous life, and I had one with him in Scotland. That’s why I was so attached to him. I have to rebuild myself differently. I decided to focus on me and that led me to Reiki. I will never be able to marry him again. I hope he is happy in his life and that I will be too.

Today, are you in a relationship or single?

I am single and not looking for love. For the moment I am concentrating on my projects. We will see later for the love affairs. It may come on its own when everything is loosened up.

Are you still inundated with messages from singles?

No, it’s calmed down. It was during Love is in the meadow. There were 8000 views on my site and 250 calls. It was a bit complicated (laughs). But this experience was awesome. We call Karine Le Marchand from time to time, I’m in contact with farmers, it’s great.

Could you participate in the show again like Thierry from season 10 (2015) who is in the cast for next season?

Not now, I’m not ready. There I will think about my move and my projects. At the moment, my heart is not ready. It takes time to heal all that. I think of myself for once.

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