Carla Bruni – Her son Aurélien, a cigar in his hand, takes himself for a sex symbol: she reacts

Is this her Halloween costume from last week? Should we see the beginning of a career in modeling, music or cinema? Always so active on social networks, Aurelien Enthoven took to his Instagram account this Thursday, November 4, 2021 to share a new photo. A cliché on which the young 20-year-old student plays Jacques Dutronc.

A smoking cigar in his hand, his gaze far away and the brown wick raised: the son of Carla Bruni and his ex-companion Raphaël Enthoven strike a pose and try to reproduce the rock style of Jacques Dutronc. A self-portrait that he particularly appreciates, since he chose it for his new profile picture! But this is indeed an “attempt” to double, as he has already done with derision with other personalities such as the philosopher Nicolas Machiavelli or the composer Franz Liszt.

This publication did not fail to react his famous mother. In comment, Carla Bruni first launched a “Beautiful !“, before adding in Story:”But don’t smoke please?“The digital ping-pong between mother and son did not stop there since the budding Jacques Dutronc responded with a quote from George Sand:”The cigar numbs sorrow and fills lonely hours with a million pleasurable things. “Finally, the wife of Nicolas Sarkozy replied:”Certainly my love, but it poisons the lungs. “

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