carbon monoxide poisoning is increasing


Video length: 2 min

Heating: carbon monoxide poisoning is increasing

Heating: carbon monoxide poisoning is increasing – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – M.Delaunay, Pavant, E.Delbecque

France Televisions

Numerous cases of carbon monoxide poisoning have been recorded in France due to poorly maintained heating installations. The phenomenon repeats itself every year when temperatures drop, with 5,000 cases on average.

In Wervik (Belgium), a chimney sweep inspects a customer’s pellet stove. Installed a few months ago, the device is already very dirty. “We will make sure that the conduit is free“, specifies Geoffrey Delacroix, chimney sweep. If it were to be blocked, the stove could spread carbon monoxide into the room: an odorless and colorless gas which can be fatal. To limit the risks, owners must have their installations checked times a year.

Install a detector

Heating owners are not always aware of the danger involved. “We can’t imagine that it can clog the pipes so much.“, underlines a man. To keep customers safe, some stores offer carbon monoxide detectors. Unlike smoke detectors, it is not compulsory. This gas is responsible for around a hundred deaths each year in France.

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