Can Jean-Luc Mélenchon be in the second round? The candidate of rebellious France is climbing in the polls!

The presidential race is intensifying… And 32 days from the first round, a far-left candidate is on the rise in the polls! Indeed, according to the latest Opinion 2022 poll carried out by the Elabede institute for BFM TV and published on Tuesday March 8, 2022, Jean-Luc Mélenchon occupies a good place in voting intentions, with 13% of the votes, an increase of 0. .5 points.

The candidate of rebellious France therefore comes in third place in the race for the Élysée while Emmanuel Macron (33%) and Marine Le Pen (15%) are ahead of him.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon hopes for a face to face with Emmanuel Macron

“The mouse hole is getting bigger”rejoiced the candidate of rebellious France during a press conference at the site of his party last Wednesday. “Some who should be from my political family prefer to pound me from morning to night than attack the far right. Do you prefer a second round Mélenchon / Macron, or Macron against Le Pen or Zemmour? »added Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who is closely following Marine Le Pen in the polls.

According to this projection, the candidate of France Insoumise is ahead of Éric Zemmour (extreme right) who collects 11% of voting intentions, against 14% last week. As for the LR candidate, Valérie Pécresse, continues her decline with 10.5% of the vote, a drop of 1.5 points…


See also: “Unbearable”, “aggressive” and “arrogant”: Léa Salamé takes it for her rank against Jean-Luc Mélenchon!

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