Cali dad “selfish”, rare secrets about his relationship with his children

Just because you become a parent doesn’t mean your professional life takes a back seat. At least that’s not the case for everyone. Cali, for example, never gave up on his music career when he became a dad. For the simple and good reason that his passion is what makes him vibrate: “My children know that if they take this away from me, they take everything away from mehe indicated in the pages of Release. It’s very selfish in a way. My harmony is the road and the house.

The 53-year-old artist is often absent due to scheduled tours, festivals and concerts, but does not ignore his family: “As soon as I have a two-day opening, I fly home and I’m fully with them since I mainly write in transport. These round trips are my rhythm of life to be well.“Cali lives no less well the distance and the separation from his family:”This is the flip side. you can’t really get rid of this mental load and it often causes a feeling of dissatisfaction.”

Cali was already the father of a boy, Milo, in his twenties today, when he met his current partner Caroline: “When I fall in love, I really fall. With [elle]we are living something very strong, even if I know that it is complicated for her to be my wifehe confided to Paris here in 2019. It’s already complicated to live with an artist but when this artist can go from darkness to sun in only ten minutes, it’s even harder.

From their relationship were born three daughters: Coco, 15 years old, Poppée, 9 years old and the youngest Misha, 3 years old. If he is often on the road, Cali always has them in a corner of his head and his heart. Despite the distance, he tries to pass on to them the values ​​he himself inherited from his father: “He taught me respect, solidarity and everything except crushing others. My dad taught me to hold hands in life. We have to help those who are not well.“A score that he follows to the letter!

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