Brussels wants to ban Russian coal and close EU ports to Russian ships

These new sanctions come after the discovery of a large number of bodies in Boutcha. “We must clearly increase our pressure even further” on Moscow, said Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

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The European Commission proposed Tuesday, April 5 to the Twenty-Seven to toughen the sanctions against Moscow, by stopping their purchases of Russian coal, which represent 45% of EU imports, and by closing European ports to boats operated by Russians .

The four sets of European sanctions against Moscow since February “hit hard and limited the political and economic options of the Kremlin”but after the discovery of a large number of bodies in Boutcha, kyiv region, “we clearly need to increase our pressure even further”said the president of the European executive, Ursula von der Leyen, in a video posted online.

The Brussels proposals are to be discussed by representatives of the Twenty-Seven on Wednesday before a meeting of European foreign ministers on Monday. Sanctions require unanimity. Finance ministers meeting in Luxembourg also discussed the new sanctions package.

The Commission proposes “to ban all coal imports from Russia, worth 4 billion euros a year”said Ursula von der Leyen.

Several experts, including those from the Bruegel Institute, consider it easier for the EU-27 to replace Russian coal with other sources of supply, unlike oil (25% of European purchases) or gas (45% of imports of the EU), the possible embargo of which is the subject of bitter discussions between the Member States.

“We are working on additional sanctions, especially on oil imports”however, claimed Ursula von der Leyen.

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