Bruno Retailleau wants “no weakness” in the face of “migratory chaos”

The president of the LR group in the Senate reaffirms his refusal to make any compromise on the regularization of undocumented immigrants working in professions in shortage.

“The migratory chaos, the French can’t take it anymore”, said Bruno Retailleau, guest on 8:30 am Franceinfo Tuesday October 31. The president of the Les Républicains group in the Senate confirms that he refuses any compromise on article 3 of the immigration bill, the one which should allow the regularization of undocumented immigrants working in professions in shortage. This article 3 is a “red line” for the Republicans, while the immigration bill arrives in the Senate on November 6.

“The cup is full”insisted the senator from Vendée. “How do you want to control immigration if you open breaches?”, explained, determined, the boss of the LR senators. It is not necessary “no weakness” in the face of immigration, he said. With article 3 “you are telling the whole world ‘come, come, enter our borders illegally, don’t worry, you will have a job and above all, we will regularize you'”, he assured. According to him, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin “needs this fetish for its own left. We are firm, but at the same time, we will be a little humanist, that is to say lax”. “It’s laxity, it’s simply to please, to make the left wing of the macronie laugh”he castigated.

“Expel more and regularize less”

The leader of the LR senators toughens his tone towards the executive, after the assassination in Arras (Pas-de-Calais) of French teacher Dominique Bernard by a young Russian man registered S for Islamist radicalization. After the attack on Arras, Gérald Darmanin presented his bill as a means “to expel all those who, even at the age of 2-3, are foreigners and deserve to return to their country of origin because they are potential dangers”. “It’s wrong”tackled Bruno Retailleau, promising to “remove all exceptions” which limit the possibilities of expulsion, because “exceptions kill the rule and also kill the French”. “I am going to present an amendment which will say ‘now there is a rule of expulsion, there is a serious threat, a dangerous individual, well it is outside and there is no exception which could weaken Rule”, he said. A measure for “help Gérald Darmanin to expel many more”, quipped the Vendée senator. Bruno Retailleau thus promises to “remove exceptions” For “expel more and regularize less”.

Bruno Retailleau still in favor of a referendum

At the same time, the leaders of the right are increasingly discussing the threat of a motion of censure, such as the president of LR, the deputy Eric Ciotti, who promised Sunday in the JDD that if “the government is pushing through, in particular by imposing its article 3 which regularizes illegal immigrants, (LR) do not hesitate to table a motion of censure”. “I think they are right not to rule out this constitutional weapon”affirmed Bruno Retailleau, who also pleads for a referendum on the question. “I think that the subject of migration is a subject which concerns the French and moreover, it concerns the French so much that I have wanted for a long time that there could be a referendum on immigration”he assured.

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