According to the new president of the Union of the Right for the Republic (UDR), Bruno Retailleau “had questions” about joining the far-right camp like him.
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Eric Ciotti compares Bruno Retailleau to the far right. The former president of the Republicans, who allied himself with the National Rally in the last legislative elections, said on Thursday, September 26, that the LR Interior Minister was following in the footsteps of the RN. “Of course he says the same things.”declared on RMC/BFMTV the new president of the Union of the Right for the Republic (UDR), a party he founded at the end of August.
According to him, Bruno Retailleau “had questions” regarding joining the extreme right camp like him. “But it’s up to him to say it.”he assured. “We carried the same texts”, recalled Eric Ciotti about the measures added in extremis to the immigration law by the right in exchange for his vote, measures which were for the most part censored by the Constitutional Council. Eric Ciotti challenged his former LR comrade to “to make a constitutional reform” so that these measures can be implemented, as he requested at the time.
On Europe 1/Cnews, National Rally MP Jean-Philippe Tanguy hammered the point home. “Mr. Retailleau draws inspiration from the program of the National Rally and in general from the right-wing sovereignty from which it comes”he said. But, he qualified, “in his actions”the Minister of the Interior “has always betrayed his political families”. “He betrayed Philippe de Villiers, he never had the courage to oppose Emmanuel Macron in the presidential elections by supporting Marine Le Pen”he listed.
“He has always been hidden in difficult political times and has always wanted to have his cake and eat it too, namely the interests of the system, the good places in the system (…) and the proposals of the National Rally to be popular with voters who want to restore public security.”he summed up.