“I will propose that they be tax-free in the next 2025 budget,” announced the resigning Minister of the Economy.
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The resigning Minister of the Economy said on Thursday, August 8, that he was in favor of tax exemption for athletes’ bonuses, in an interview with FigaroThe double Olympic judo champion and former Minister of Sports under Nicolas Sarkozy, David Douillet, opened the debate by describing “scandal” the imposition of these.
“I will propose that they be tax-free in the next 2025 budget”announced Bruno Le Maire in an interview with the daily newspaper. “It is not up to me to decide, I am in charge of current affairs, but I will prepare measures so that these bonuses” be included in the 2025 budget, he said.
“When we have such exceptional results, medals which are exceptional, which are the reward for years of work, years of effort and which are the pride of France, these bonuses must not be taxed”the resigning minister argued again. Before him, Les Républicains MP Olivier Marleix proposed on Tuesday to legislate to exempt bonuses from tax. Medallists receive a bonus for each medal won, 80,000 euros for gold, 40,000 for silver and 20,000 euros for bronze, according to the scale established by the Ministry of Sports.