Britney Spears pregnant: what do her teenagers Jayden and Sean Preston look like today?

Everything has not always been easy for Britney Spears and her sons Sean Preston and Jayden James, born on September 14, 2005 and September 12, 2006. Constantly hounded by the paparazzi, the one who is now pregnant with her third child had had a good struggling to manage his entry into mum’s life. Photos of her in delicate situations with her sons had thus led justice to set up joint custody after the divorce of Britney Spears and the father of the two boys Kevin Federline, in 2006. The former dancer finally had the sole custody of the latter a few years later? What do the two teenagers Sean Preston and Jayden James look like today?

Despite her guardianship, from which she was finally released five months ago, the interpreter of Toxic continued to see his sons, taking them shopping or even to see a football match. Collateral victims of their mother’s success, Sean Preston and Jayden James are now rather very discreet boys. And if they are not present on social networks, their mother respects this choice and very rarely shares images of them. Nevertheless, on October 6, 2021, a friend of Kevin Federline posted a photo of the two brothers on his Instagram account, attracting media interest.

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