Britney Spears pregnant, her amazing secrets about her libido

The news has gone viral! Britney Spears is pregnant with her third child. A few months after the end of her forced guardianship, the international singer announced the happy news. Under the influence of her family and mainly her father, she could not manage her finances as she wanted, get married or was under pressure from those close to her not to have other children. For 14 long years, Britney Spears was forced to wear an IUD. But it is a page that turns for the interpreter of “Toxic” and a new beginning that begins. Shortly after announcing her engagement, Britney Spears announced her pregnancy. On social networks, she shares all the details to her community, even the naughtiest.

“Sex is really great when you’re pregnant”, she wrote on Instagram. She who was forced into a life of deprivation is now content with “little joys of life”. “It’s time for me to take time to think, read, put on makeup, watch movies, have real conversations…and most importantly enjoy having amazing sex”she says.

For this new pregnancy, Britney Spears wants to be serene and not put pressure on herself. “I don’t want to be an angry pregnant woman who eats donuts every morning, and then I thought about all this and… everything is going to be fine”, reassures the singer. Now Britney Spears no longer wants to be “hard” towards herself. The fiancée of Sam Asghari even confided to having become addicted to makeup. “It’s all these little things that I’ve been missing for the past 14 years”she says.

Already married?

Are Britney Spears and Sam Asghari married? For several weeks, the couple have been called “women” and “husband” on social networks. The presence of Donatella Versace in the home of the pop star implies that she chose the fashion designer to make her dress for the big day. So, married or not married? That is the question !

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Helene Bardeau

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