British Fox News reporter injured near kyiv

“We have limited details at this time, but Ben has been hospitalized and our teams on the ground are trying to gather additional information as the situation rapidly evolves,” Fox News reported Monday.

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A British journalist covering the Russian invasion of Ukraine for Fox News was injured and hospitalized near kyiv on Monday March 14, the American television channel announced.

“Earlier today, our correspondent Benjamin Hall was injured while gathering information outside Kyiv”explained the channel in a press release. “We have limited details at this time, but Ben has been hospitalized and our teams on the ground are trying to gather additional information as the situation rapidly evolves.”said Fox News.

It’s a tough reminder for all journalists who risk their lives every day to report from a war zone.


in a press release

Benjamin Hall covers the US State Department. He took up his post shortly after being posted to London. The State Department Correspondents Association said “horrified” by the announcement, evoking the “warmth, good humor and absolute professionalism” by Benjamin Hall.

Ukrainian Prosecutor General Irina Venediktova previously announced on her Facebook page that a British journalist injured in the legs by shrapnel had been hospitalized in intensive care. She had also posted a photo of her official press card, while hiding the name and part of the injured journalist’s face.

On Sunday, an American journalist was killed and another wounded by bullets in Irpin, in the northwestern suburbs of kyiv, the scene of heavy fighting for several days. Brent Renaud, a 50-year-old freelance photographer and filmmaker, was shot in the back of the neck while driving, according to a Ukrainian doctor. A Ukrainian journalist had been killed in the Russian bombardment of the television tower in kyiv.

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