The magic worked in The red wristbands when the members of this beautiful band of teenagers consoled, supported and guided each other, as much in their complicated medical treatments as in their stories of broken hearts.
This mutual aid between young patients injected light and sweetness into a scenario marked by bone cancer, leg amputation and eating disorders.
In short, the balance of hope and sadness was maintained at the ideal dose in the first season of red wristbandsbroadcast on TVA last winter.
This is no longer the case in the second chapter, which has been on the air for two weeks.
Our bracelets live scattered around the city and they tear it up. The scenes where they were celebrating their small victories are gone and it’s quite depressing and painful, thank you.
Lou (Milya Corbeil-Gauvreau) languishes in solitary confinement in the psychiatric wing of the Hôpital de la Rive. Her boyfriend Félix (Anthony Therrien) fights a recurrence of cancer without the support of his precious gang. Ah yes, Lou and Félix, who are 16, are expecting a child and neither of them seems equipped to welcome a baby.
The narrator of the first ten episodes, Albert (Malick Babin), barely progresses since he emerged from his coma. The sportsman Justin, now camped by Antoine L’Écuyer, lives half with his parents, half with his girlfriend Flavie (Audrey Roger). Their couple is faltering. Flavie relapses. And Justin, who suspects a return of his illness, isolates himself.

In the second season of red wristbandsAntoine L’Écuyer portrays the role of Justin.
The only character who does not sink into heaviness is the ex-injured Kevin (Étienne Galloy), who does his community work at the hospital and serves as a link between the old bracelets.
The problem is that our red bracelets go through their trials alone, without the comfort and kindness that emanated from their initial group. We feel that the authors will bring them together soon, but the first two episodes, devoid of heat, were not pleasant to watch.
Also, it seems that director Yan England, so ingenious in the first season, has left behind the camera. His successor, Benoit Pilon (The Vinland Club), films the plots in a more conventional way.
The awakening of the pivotal character Albert also sounded the death knell for dreamlike sequences, where the bracelets crossed in between the two worlds. The pictorial scene of the death of Kim (Léanne Désilets) had given rise to a magnificent pool scene, where the teenager drifted towards the deep side, in the light of the moon.
Fortunately, the new patient Margot (Margot Blondin), suffering from ovarian cancer, revives the original spirit of the red wristbandswhich made us fall for this Catalan series (Polseres vermelles).
Fifteen-year-old Margot initially refuses any help from her roommate Félix. Fearful, the teenager slowly lowers her guard and accepts outstretched hands, like that of Felix, who accompanied her in mowing her hair.
In short, we must not despair, I think. Miracles exist, on TV and in health establishments.
Dead or alive ?
Many of you believe in the theory that Ms.e Frédéric Legrand (Martin-David Peters), the corruptible criminal lawyer ofIndefensiblefaked his own death to escape the bandits who stuck to his buttocks.

Me Was Frédéric Legrand (Martin-David Peters) the target of a shooting, or did he fake his own death?
It is far from impossible or far-fetched as a hypothesis. Let’s take a closer look. So M.e Legrand was recovering from the shooting when his condition began to deteriorate. Infection of the peritoneum, intubation, loss of consciousness, the battered lawyer received a powerful cocktail of antibiotics, first revealed André Lapointe (Michel Laperrière).
At the bedside of M.e Legrand, the trainee Inès (Nour Belkhiria) gave up her chair to the mafia mistress Jessica Renaud (Émilie Lajoie), who remained alone in the room with the injured, a super important detail.
Shortly after, poof, the colleagues of Me Legrand discovered an empty bed and a tearful Jessica. “I went to the bathroom for five minutes and when I came back, there were three, four people around trying to resuscitate him. They took him out and they weren’t able to save him, there’s a nurse who came back to tell me he was dead, ”said Jessica, with whom Me Legrand had broken before his attack.
It was the next scene that sowed a big doubt among the fans. We saw Jessica Renaud depositing two huge suitcases in her burnt orange Jeep. Either Jessica has herself completed Frédéric Legrand and she flees to escape justice. Either Jessica brings stock to her former lover to help him rebuild his life under a new identity.
What is the most plausible lead? Did Jessica bribe hospital workers to lie and orchestrate this fake death?
One thing is certain, Jessica was up to something not neat at the hospital and the nurse without a badge, whom she hastily expelled from the room, almost ruined his plan.
Nostradumas is pretty mixed up here. Will he be able to find the path of light as he wishes for The red wristbands ?