Brigitte Fontaine “very sick”: worrying news about her state of health

In its issue of April 17, 2022, the Journal du Dimanche interviewed singer Brigitte Fontaine in her Paris apartment. Eccentric star of the 1970s, the singer who we know is sick spoke to our colleagues about her state of health and her professional projects…

The 82-year-old star is, in fact, back on his precarious health. She first mentioned toothache to explain the mess of her apartment when opening the door to our colleagues from the JDD. “If this apartment is in this state it is because I am very sick” she confessed. Brigitte Fontaine then explained that she refused the idea of ​​abandoning the scene, “I never said I was bidding farewell to the stage, I’ll never give myself that ridiculous“, although she acknowledges that it will be difficult to continue the profession, “so far the pain did not prevent playing, only now it’s too much. So I don’t know if I will go to Bourges [elle est attendue au Printemps de Bourges]it will be a surprise… Suspense!

The singer suffers from a fracture of the vertebrae which considerably weakened her 8 years ago. In 2016 already, the interpreter of Nougat had been forced to give up a series of concerts in the cultural space of the Centrequatre-Paris. The former collaborator of Jacques Higelin made a return to music after 7 years without releasing an album in 2020 with the project Newfoundland. The opus, which was well received by critics upon its release, was produced in collaboration with the guitarist and composer Yan Pechin as well as her exclusive husband and composer Areski Belkacem. At 82, the punk icon does not admit defeat and said she still has things to say and especially to write: She then compares the composition of her songs to “a precious hunt, a royal hunt“. She even mentioned the preparation of her twentieth album entitled glow worm

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